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Lesson 11

installing plugins

Installing plugins

Okay lets begin

First you will need the 4 dlls files for installing plugins



this is in the file section under level 2 lesson 3

You will only need to Add DLL drivers once But Plugins and filters you add as you find you need a different Filter.
Here's how.
Go to the files on group page. select  DLL FILES from there.
Click and save to a safe place on your desk top/ or your my downloads folder
They come in a Zip folder.
now double click on this folder
it will bring up a windows explorer page that will show the contents of this folder
you then will need to click on extract all files
This brings a pop up menu.. Saying Extraction wizard
Click on the Browse button..  A pop up side menu will then appear.
 You now choose these settings....
My Computer>click...Local Drive C> click WINDOWS...
NOTE!  For the ADDING DRIVERS DL....If you are running WindowsXP>Click on the WINDOWS folder and  then scroll for the SYSTEM 32 folder.>Click...
But if you are running ME, 2000 or 98 they go into the Systems folder.  
NOW click ok at the bottom of the menu......This will put the Driver in to the windows drivers folder..
You do this with all three ZIP files each one the same way.
Well done .Okay now that that is done
whenever adding plugins make sure psp is closed
Okay  now you will need to go to the links we sent you in  the welcome link
And download the simple filters
Save it to either your desktop or your my downloads
I prefer my downloads
Double click on the Zip file
 this will brings a window up  that shows what is in that Zip file..
Click Extract all files
this will bring up a pop up window
hit extract all files
 click Browse
this time select my documents
then select your psp folder then select plugins 
click ok
this is how you will install all plugins or filters
to find them
open up a graphic etc in psp
Go to effects plugins
now take a screenshot of this and send it into the group this way we know your plugin  is installed
Okay send it into the group you should Rember your subject lines by now but Rember now its Level 2 lesson#
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your name-Lesson#-
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 Tutorial was written by Kathy aka Designs by kat
Any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy or forward this Tutorial without my written permission




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